Power Figures
"... A recent fellowship in a remote village in China was an inspirational experience, leading Colella to reflect on Chinese cultural history and inspiring her to create an array of timeless, poignant stuffed "beasts" she envisions as power figures. Recalling fetish or totem items from some unknown past, these odd, decorated creatures have both a weighty, tactile solidity and a sense of wounded fragility. They look, to an extent, like they suffer. They are, in many ways, out of whack."
Essay excerpt: Shawn Hill Photography: Will Howcroft
Essay excerpt: Shawn Hill Photography: Will Howcroft
Top: I/Me, 36x29x16 in., 2015
Bottom L to R: ANT, 14x5.5x6 in., 2014; HOT HEAD, 5.25x3.5x3 in., 2015; AGAINST NATURE, 16x11x9 in., 2015; KANGAROO, 5x4.5x3.5 in., 2015